Weird The Cabin in the Woods
The word weird can imply or suggest many things, such as that something is strange, mysterious or even supernatural. People are fascinated with the unknown, reading or watching movies about adventures. With the unknown weirdness of the world it allows for us to experience the thrill of exploration without leaving the safety of our home. Many enjoy trying to solve or explain the unknown weirdness of the world. The Cabin in the Woods plays on the viewers needs to solve the unknown. Ever wonder why its always five teens with the same five stereotypical personalities that always get murdered or why they make such poor decisions in life threatening situations? Well the cabin in the woods gives the viewers the long awaited explanation as to why. All horror movies follow the same tropes that are meant to keep the audience entertained, a weird occurrence that happens to draw in the viewer’s curiosity, making the viewers wonder why and how these occurrences occur. The Cabin in the Woods pl...